Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Monday 23 June 8.00pm
John Carney; Ireland, 2006, 85min

A modern day musical set on the strets of Dublin. Featuring Glen Hansard from the Irish band "The Frames". the film tells the story of a street musician and a Czech immigrant during an eventful week as they write, rehearse and record songs that reveal their unique love story.
He lives at home and helps his father repair vacuum cleaners, but he has a dream of becoming a recording star. His girlfriend of many years has just left him and is now living in London. His emotions are reflected in his new songs.
The Czech girl who happens to have a broken vacuum cleaner also has a musical background of playing the piano and writing songs. Their music brings them together and the she begins to help the him realize his dream. They begin to share their music and their feelings for each other. They put together a band with other street players and rent a recording studio for the weekend to record two demos, with the promise of a start to a new and wonderful life.

Academy Award, Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song
Audience Award, Dublin International Film Festival
World Cinema Audience Award, Sundance Film Festival

"...may well be the best music film of our generation" Chicago Tribune.

"The best of the best at Sundance, a gift of a movie that is absolutely worth seeing more than once" Rolling Stone.

1 comment:

nilankur said...

Dear Team

You are invited to the Film Festival 08 : East Speaks, Here - Asia & Middle East's first online film festival, now live at

The festival, wishing to focus on not just films, nor just film-makers, but the consciousness transplanted thru cinema.

Be the jury and Enjoy! Film Festival 08 : East Speaks, Here -

Watch/comment, vote/register and spread the buzz in your community.

Promote films. Promote consciousness.

About Culture Unplugged: We are, by/for global community of conscious creatives and their audiences, to reflect on Asian/Eastern experience in contemporary world – creatives/storytellers wishing to express and exchange primarily through language of film (visual/aural communication), framing the spirit in motion.

We are looking for solidarity, in a way that we can compliment each other's endeavors.

Hoping to partner with you in our endeavors,